A year of success with flakes: Lutosa reveals behind the scenes of its innovation

Lutosa, leader in the food industry, proudly celebrates the first anniversary of its flake production line. Philippe Taquet, Business Unit Manager of Atelier Flocons at Lutosa, shares an exclusive look at this exceptional year, highlighting the improvements, the challenges overcome, and exciting future steps.

Flakes have always held a special place in the heart of Lutosa. This year marks a significant milestone with the full operation of our dedicated production line. In an exclusive interview, Philippe Taquet guides us behind the scenes of this adventure.

A year of reflections and successes

Philippe Taquet begins by reflecting on the past year, highlighting the resounding success of the new flake production line. “This year has been an exciting time for us at Lutosa. Flakes are at the heart of our commitment to innovation and quality.

Improvements in production and the quality of finished
products are at the center of this success. “We have invested in cutting-edge technologies that have significantly boosted our operations, ensuring finished products of exceptional quality.” explains Philippe Taquet.

Cover brochure flakes en - Flakes
3nov2022 lutosa new flakes workshop conditioning scaled - A new flake factory in Leuze

Positive impact on working conditions

One of the promises during the inauguration was the improvement of working conditions. Philippe Taquet shares the positive feedback from employees, emphasizing the importance given to the well-being of the teams. “Employees have noted a significant improvement in their working conditions, which is a source of pride for the entire team.

Market response and new horizons

The market response is crucial, and Philippe Taquet informs us on how this new line has been received. “We have introduced new products which have generated strong interest. The market has responded positively to our commitment to innovation and superior quality.

There has been no shortage of challenges this year, but the team at Lutosa took them up with determination. “Every challenge has been an opportunity to grow. Our team has shown exceptional resilience.” shares Philippe Taquet.

3nov2022 lutosa new flakes workshop cutting the ribbon scaled - A new flake factory in Leuze
Pledge to the world stamps texture v01 4 - Our CSR commitment

Sustainability at the heart of production

Lutosa is committed to sustainability, and this new production facility is no exception. “We have aligned our production with our Pledge to the World commitment. The energy efficiency of the line and the reduction of water consumption are at the center of our efforts. We are proud of the tangible results achieved so far.” underlines Philippe Taquet.

Looking to the future

Finally, Philippe Taquet reveals the future projects of this production unit. “We are considering expansions and developments to remain at the forefront of our industry. Our commitment to innovation and sustainability will remain unchanged.

In conclusion, Philippe Taquet sends a warm message to employees: “A big thank you to all those who contributed to this exceptional year. Your dedication is the key to our success.

Watch the video with Philippe Taquet to discover more about this remarkable year at Lutosa.

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